
Knowingsignsofastrokecanhelpimproveoutcome,byinitiatingaccesstotreatmenturgently.BEFASTforstroke,andCall911.,Toidentifythesignsandsymptomsofastroke,remembertheacronymBEFAST,whichstandsfor:Balance:Doesthepersonhavetroublewithbalanceor ...,BackgroundandPurpose—TheFASTalgorithm(Face,Arm,Speech,Time)helpsidentifypersonshavinganacutestroke.,TheacronymBEFAST,whichhelpstoidentifythesignsandsymptomsof...

Stroke Symptoms

Knowing signs of a stroke can help improve outcome, by initiating access to treatment urgently. BE FAST for stroke, and Call 911.

B.E. F.A.S.T.

To identify the signs and symptoms of a stroke, remember the acronym BEFAST, which stands for: Balance: Does the person have trouble with balance or ...

BE-FAST (Balance, Eyes, Face, Arm, Speech, Time)

Background and Purpose—The FAST algorithm (Face, Arm, Speech, Time) helps identify persons having an acute stroke.


The acronym BEFAST, which helps to identify the signs and symptoms of stroke and at the same time admonishes you to “be fast” and not wait to get help.

When it Comes to Spotting a Stroke, B.E.F.A.S.T.

Use the acronym BEFAST for recognizing a stroke: B - Balance: Watch for sudden loss of balance E - Eyes: Check for vision loss F - Face: Look for an uneven ...

Know the Signs of Stroke - BE FAST

Use the acronym BE FAST to remember the signs of stroke, and what to do if someone near you is experiencing them.

When it Comes to Recognizing a Stroke, B.E. F.A.S.T.

Does one arm drift downward? Is there sudden loss of coordination, numbness, weakness of that arm? For example, is the person suddenly unable to ...

Stroke: BEFAST [Infographic]

Know what signs to look for: B: Balance. Do they have loss of balance or are they dizzy? Are they walking differently? E: Eyes. Can they see out of both eyes ...

Notice the Stroke through the letters B-E-F-A-S-T

1. Ischemic stroke – the most common type and is caused when there is a narrowing or blockage of the brain's blood vessel due to a plaque or blood clot that ...